i didn't think i had time this year to do a little festive themed drawing but after reading this i realised i was just being silly. hope you like it (paper cracker hats are the best kind of hat) ...
i wanted to take a moment to say a supersized thank YOU for being so wonderful! to all who follow me on twitter, or my blog, for favouriting (and sometimes even buying) things from my little shop, for all the lovely comments, kind emails, and special snail mail post i have been lucky enough to receive ... you've really made my year ♥
... so who fancies another little giveaway! just comment on this post and you could win a mini mirror of your choice (and some other little surprises) i'll pick THREE winners on new years day ... good luck!
also don't forget you can still get 20% off in my shop until 06.01.12
aaaaand i'm nearly at 50 sales (my goal for this year!) ... to celebrate the 50th sale gets extra FREE treats and goodies in with their order ... only two sales to go!
here's to wishing you all a fabulously merry christmas and new year. i'm off to get jolly!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
♥ we are the aviary
i have been working on a charming collaboration with the aviary recently, along with a couple of other talented drawing ladies. we had the fun task of illustrating a few of their magical trinkets and treasures.
head over here to see the entire collection, a beautiful write up by victoria and a small q&a with me.
absolutely loved working on this project, hope you like it too :)
in other news ... i will be updating my website with some new work in the next few weeks, i will post an announcement on my blog so you can check it out when it's done, but please do excuse any unsightly appearances if you happen to look whilst i am doing the change ...
also just wanted to give a heads up, there's a 30% sale on at moo until 28th november ... and you can can get an extra 10% off your first order just by following this link
head over here to see the entire collection, a beautiful write up by victoria and a small q&a with me.
absolutely loved working on this project, hope you like it too :)
in other news ... i will be updating my website with some new work in the next few weeks, i will post an announcement on my blog so you can check it out when it's done, but please do excuse any unsightly appearances if you happen to look whilst i am doing the change ...
also just wanted to give a heads up, there's a 30% sale on at moo until 28th november ... and you can can get an extra 10% off your first order just by following this link

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
don't be late
also, i will be away from 1st - 6th december, the shop will be left open during this time, but i will be unable to send any items until i get back
uk : 14th december
western europe : 12th december
eastern europe, usa and canada : 9th december
everywhere else : 1st december
get those orders in quick to avoid disappointment! please feel free to contact me for any urgent requirements
happy shopping x

Monday, November 21, 2011
evolution&us giveaway
head on over to evolution&us to read a little q&a about me, and to find out how to win their giveaway of my work! competition ends on wednesday, so be quick!

Thursday, November 17, 2011
petra doe
i was chuffed to find a little email waiting for me in my inbox the other week from these two lovely ladies. i've been keeping this illo on the down low until the long awaited release of ballad of... my dios de los muertos girlie will be appearing somewhere within the pages of the latest issue, 'little book of horrors' to mourn the loss of petra doe.
and guess what?! it's finally here! very sad i couldn't make it to petra doe's wake, i have been enviously looking at the photos from last night's shindig - the goodie bags that were handed out to the guests look amazing! i wonder who snapped up my hand drawn tote ... if you're reading this, hola!
if you'd like to buy a copy of ballad of petra doe for your very own self, head on over here

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
i feel smug
i am so so happy i finally managed to make it down to see the pop up print shop at smug, and ohmygosh i am totally in love with that shop! luke and i had a short trip down to london last week for some fun and frolics. i was delighted to finally meet smug's owner lizzie, and also the lovely louise (from wallpaper rose) who works there too.
i was obviously very distracted by all the pretties during my visit that i totally forgot to whip out my camera to take some photos, doh! so the snaps above are courtesy of louise - thank you. pop over to her blog to see more pics and a selection of her favourite prints at the pop up.
i couldn't leave empty handed so here's a little snap of my swag - 'good digging' print and christmas card (which i am going to keep for myself ha!) by victoria whincup, 'boston terrier' by isobel khor, some washi tape and a sweet little notebook with honeycomb like pages. i also picked up the latest issue of wrap which, if you've not come across it before is filled with beautiful sheets of wrapping paper - far too nice to be used!! fell in love with one of the prints inside by ruth munro. it was hard not to buy more
full details of the pop up can be found here, it's running through to january so you still have time to go and see it, and you really should go and see it!

ohh deer
ohh deer have finally launched their jolly site. they have a whole host of illustrators involved (including me) offering an impressive selection of products, some of them exclusive to ohh deer; it's definitely worth a look
i totally missed blogging this in time for their launch on 11.11.11 as i was in london for a couple of days - could be worse! to celebrate their new adventure ohh deer are holding a gigantic giveaway on their blog, with big, medium and mini prizes. winners will be drawn on november 25th, go go go!

Saturday, November 05, 2011
happy bonfire night everybody! are you off to see any fireworks tonight? i wish i was *sigh*
just thought i'd let you all know about some savings you can make in my shop!
-all mini mirrors are on offer for the minuscule price of £2.50
-i've been able to get my perpetual calendars printed for less, so i'm passing the savings on to you! grab one now for a sweet £10
-ALSO you can save an extra 10% on your entire order with coupon code BONFIRE today and tomorrow only

Monday, October 31, 2011
all hallow's eve
here's a treat for you all : get 10% off in my shop today and tomorrow with coupon code : SCARY

Saturday, October 29, 2011
lucky dip ...
everyone's a winner! ... well 25 people will be winners as that's how many envelopes i've done !
* to enter *
just leave a comment on this post - first 25 will win
oh, and this is open to the whole wide world, i'll post anywhere
hope everyone has a spooky halloween weekend :)
massive big fat thank you with a cherry on top to everyone who entered my little giveaway! some lovely comments there!
last night i realised i'd miss-counted the envelopes and there were actually 26 prizes to giveaway!
i think i've managed to either email or tweet all of you to request your postal address - if not please could you send it over to me through my website contact page

Friday, October 28, 2011
remember, remember
the darker days and frosty mornings can only mean one thing ... christmas is just round the corner! i can't believe how quickly it's come round, i'll be spending this week getting all my bits and pieces ready for my first (and probably last, as i forgot to apply in time!) christmas market of the year!
at 'the place' theatre in oakengates on november 5th from 10am - 2pm
i wasn't brave enough to apply for an outdoor stall, so i'll be all toasty inside selling items from my shop, prints, cards and cushions by luke waller (he may even be making a guest appearance) and a selection of crochet items by my lovely sister, liz :) do pop over for some festive merriment
at 'the place' theatre in oakengates on november 5th from 10am - 2pm
i wasn't brave enough to apply for an outdoor stall, so i'll be all toasty inside selling items from my shop, prints, cards and cushions by luke waller (he may even be making a guest appearance) and a selection of crochet items by my lovely sister, liz :) do pop over for some festive merriment

Saturday, October 22, 2011
totes special tote
the lovely ladies from ballad of... have been busy bees getting together goody bags for guests attending the next issue's launch party in november, only to find they were short by 10 bags! so they called for help from ten illustrators
the task : to create a super special one off horror-esque tote bag for the next ballad of... party, to be given away (yes GIVEN away!) to the first 10 lucky so and so's through the door! ...is it too early to que up now?!!
so here's my offering. i've got to admit i wasn't thrilled about the idea of having to draw in pen. but actually, i was pleasantly surprised with the results! i used an ultra fine black uni posca pen, and the effect it's given on the tote is really lovely. the resistance of the cotton allowed me to do more shading than i thought i would, which was a nice surprise.
i also tried my hand at a bit of embroidery (not sure if i'll be doing this again!) but it was a nice excuse to use my metallic thread to make the gemstone.
looking forward to seeing the next issue of ballad of... (i submitted an illustration for it *sneak peek here* so am keeping my fingers crossed for that) really hoping i can make it to the party too!
i am quite surprised how much i enjoyed this little project, i'm thinking of making a few more one off totes like this to sell in my shop ... what do you think?
hope you're having an ace weekend so far :*

Monday, October 17, 2011
SMUG exclusive
very nice news to share with you today : a selection of my prints will be available from a beautiful shop called SMUG this winter. from 26th october, through to january SMUG will transform the upstairs area of it's camden passage store into a pop up print shop. if you take a peek at smug's website you'll see that it's a bit special, sooo many handsome items i'd love to fill my home with
even nicer news : lizzie (creator of smug) invited me to produce an exclusive illustration for an exhibition of prints unique to smug, which will run alongside the pop up ... so this is one of the drawings i've been busying myself with recently, my brief was to produce an illo based on the old definition of the word smug 'to smarten up a room' with a lovely 50s style lady, feather duster in-toe
so make sure you get yourself down to smug - 13 camden passage, islington, london n1 8ea - to have a good rifle through some lovely work ... and maybe buy one or two
ps. this is my 100th blog post! huzzah!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
a couple of little things to share with you today.
this week i've been working on a tiny little something for a postal art project, here's the concept :
orange dot gallery (bloomsbury london) in association with the british postal museum are producing a show.
artists are selected, and then given 32 blank postcards each.
that artist pieces the postcards together in a grid to make a single canvas.
they produce a singular image covering all 32 postcards.
once done, the postcards are separated and posted off to 32 differing creatives.
those creatives interact with those postcards in any way they see fit and then send them back to the gallery.
the gallery then rebuilds the original larger image, now with 32 individual and unique additional pieces contained within,
once all are rebuilt they will be on show as part of an exhibition on october 20th.
after a call out on twitter, 'robbies brown shoes', from puck chose me as one of his 32.
robbie drew his illustration in black ink and i worked over the top in pencil and coloured crayons, i must admit it was quite a challenge to work so small and on textured paper! just as difficult to draw on as it is to scan in, so apologies for the small image - i assure you it looks a whole lot nicer in real life! i'm too used to working on big sheets of super smooth bristol board
more details of the exhibition can be found here.
i'm looking forward to seeing what these mysterious inked lines become with the other 31 postcards!
also this week i was featured in issue 8 of burst magazine, the pen and pencil edition. go here to download. lots of nice work in there, including some from ohh deer's jamie mitchell, he's a bit special - keep an eye out for my exciting collaboration with ohh deer coming in the near future!
ohh aaand i don't think i blogged about this at the time but matt spencer created a few illustrations based on our cat loving, tea drinking twitter bios, including my wiggly worm one!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
pretty penny

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
soupa one day zine : reveal
also, did you see? the results of the soupa meet to create a zine in one day : to read more about who was involved, how we made it and to see photos of the event head over to soupa.co.uk

i have been keeping my fingers busy making some envelopes ready for sending out my promo pieces, and possibly for smaller etsy orders
they're recycled out of old & not-perfect prints (thought i'd make use of them) nice to get something a bit more interesting through the door!
following advice from my previous post i have listed a brand new item in my shop : this perpetual calendar / birthday book
to test the market i will make the book to order at the moment, this may change depending on how popular it is.
don't forget as a thank you to all who entered my giveaway, you can get a huge 25% off your order until the end of august with discount code : NOTAWINNER
they're recycled out of old & not-perfect prints (thought i'd make use of them) nice to get something a bit more interesting through the door!
following advice from my previous post i have listed a brand new item in my shop : this perpetual calendar / birthday book
to test the market i will make the book to order at the moment, this may change depending on how popular it is.
don't forget as a thank you to all who entered my giveaway, you can get a huge 25% off your order until the end of august with discount code : NOTAWINNER

Thursday, August 25, 2011
remember not to forget
you may have seen me tweet a photo of something in the making for my mummy's birthday present. well it's all finished now; printed, rounded, ordered and bound up to make a pretty little birthday book.
it's a kind of perpetual calendar, to be used as a way of remembering special dates, birthdays, anniversaries and such. each month is a different colour to the next, allowing for easier flicking! it's a6 in size, has lovely rounded corners and is printed on nice thick paper stock (the whole book is about 1.5cm thick)
i am wondering whether to make some more of these to sell in my etsy shop, probably for around £15 but i'm never good at judging the market, so thought i'd call upon you all for advice!

and the winner is ...
i would just like to say a humungous thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway! i really had no ideaso many people would enter, you've made me very happy :)
because of this i have decided to pick three winners! hooray!
i felt bad picking out the names so i made luke do it (so if you're sad you didn't win you can blame him haha!)
aaaand the winners are ... eve bentley kellee rich & sumi
congratulations! have a browse through my esty shop and let me know what you'd like as your prize
as a consolation to all of you who didn't win, you can use discount code : notawinner to get a huuuge 25% off anything in my shop until the end of august

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
wolf bones
did you hear ? 'i heart ...' has changed their name. that's right ... but what to? i hear you cry ... umm ok you've probably guessed that by now
the creative crafters who bring you community workshops, collaborative and charitable projects (like post a patch) a beautiful online eco shop, and of course the makers of the lovely heart and lungs zine now answer to the name : wolf bones
and these are some logos i came up with for them ... i do hope you like them.
the creative crafters who bring you community workshops, collaborative and charitable projects (like post a patch) a beautiful online eco shop, and of course the makers of the lovely heart and lungs zine now answer to the name : wolf bones
and these are some logos i came up with for them ... i do hope you like them.

Monday, August 22, 2011
soupa zine day
i've been in london the last few days. i was whisked off for a long weekend away as a birthday surprise, i felt very spoilt indeed!
it just so happened to coincide perfectly with the soupa zine day (a day dedicated to working together on a collaborative zine for soupa members) ... and what a super fun day it was! we met at the book club and had a lovely day of drawing, meeting new faces, catching up with old friends, and some more drawing. looking forward to seeing the zine all finished (photos courtesy of jo, see more here)
also, thank you to everyone so far who has entered my little giveaway! (and thank you for all the sweet birthday wishes) ♡ you still have a couple of days to enter, so if you haven't entered yet whatareyouwaitingfor? i will pick the winner on 25th August

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
giveaway time!
*the prize*
you can choose! - pick something out from my etsy shop or choose a print of one of my illustrations (which i am yet to list in my shop!) ... and i'll also throw in some extras too like postcards, stickers, lalala
*to enter*
just do the following two things :
- follow me - either on this blog, or on twitter
- leave a comment on this post - in your comment it would be helpful if you could you give me a way of contacting you (your email/blog name/@twitter name etc)
extra entry if you tweet : fingers crossed i win @harrietgray's giveaway http://harrietgray.blogspot.com/2011/08/giveaway-time.html
it's open to everyone and their cat (extra points for cats ... no not really) but seriously now, where ever you live is fine by me, i'll post your prize worldwide.
last day to enter will be august 24th, all entrants will be put into a hat (or something similar, as i don't actually have a hat) and one lucky fellow will be chosen at random
exciting stuff ...

it's a moo point
i treated myself to a bunch of new postcards, i'm going to round of the corners of these before sending them out. and i also thought i'd try out their new stickers and labels
unfortunately with bad luck coming in 3's and all that : 1.imac breaking 2.being rediculously ill the day i got back from holiday; number 3 was for my moo order to get lost in the post! sad face
thankfully moo are very nice and reprinted my order for me and i think it all looks fab, i hope you like it too!
i also have this 'refer a friend' link where new moo customers can get 10% off their first order, which is nice
anywayyy extra cool points to those who get the friends reference in the title, lols
a cow's opinion *ehem*

Thursday, August 11, 2011
hello again, just to warn you i am going to pester you a teeny tiny bit for the next 7 days as i have uploaded a new design onto alltropical.co.uk and it needs your votes to win!
it would be super if you could head on over there to vote and comment on my design. you can also vote by tweeting and liking on faceyb
pretty peas with a cherry on top! ♡
ps.. you can use the little apps to the right of the image on the voting page to share the link on twitter/facebook/blogger/email etc etc without having to sign up to alltropical x
it would be super if you could head on over there to vote and comment on my design. you can also vote by tweeting and liking on faceyb
pretty peas with a cherry on top! ♡
ps.. you can use the little apps to the right of the image on the voting page to share the link on twitter/facebook/blogger/email etc etc without having to sign up to alltropical x

apologies for the radio silence that has fallen upon my blog recently, if you follow me on twitter you may have seen that towards the end of july my imac hard drive decided to die (very inconsiderate of it!) which meant i had to have it sent away for repair for a little while.
unfortunately the only solution was to have it replaced, which obviously resulted in me losing all of my data ... and since i hadn't backed anything up for about a month prior to this, i lost a fair bit. very sad.
all of this has made me very thankful that i do the majority of my work by hand. so all my illustrations that weren't saved can be re-scanned and re-edited, so i'm trying to look at the bright side as it could have been worse (now i just need to find the time to do all of this re-doing...)
so on that note i'm afraid i don't have that much to show you at the moment, above is a sneak peek of one of my recent illos that i did whilst i was sans imac ... but that's all you're getting for the time being
unfortunately the only solution was to have it replaced, which obviously resulted in me losing all of my data ... and since i hadn't backed anything up for about a month prior to this, i lost a fair bit. very sad.
all of this has made me very thankful that i do the majority of my work by hand. so all my illustrations that weren't saved can be re-scanned and re-edited, so i'm trying to look at the bright side as it could have been worse (now i just need to find the time to do all of this re-doing...)
so on that note i'm afraid i don't have that much to show you at the moment, above is a sneak peek of one of my recent illos that i did whilst i was sans imac ... but that's all you're getting for the time being

Saturday, July 16, 2011
i wish i was a whizz kid
so i decided to upload my new website layout despite not having chance to put any new work on there yet - sorry for the ugly 'coming soon' thumbs! i need to find a spare bit of time to get all my new pieces web ready, make thumbnails for them, import them to dreamweaver yawwwwn etc yawnnnnnnnn ... that's not my favourite part as i'm sure you can tell!
anyway no real drastic changes* i'd really appreciate any feedback especially if you notice any bugs so i can try to zap them before i next upload the whole site again! thanking you kindly x
*no drastic changes, yet it still took me forever to work out how to make it all stay in the middle - i wish i was a computer whizzzz
anyway no real drastic changes* i'd really appreciate any feedback especially if you notice any bugs so i can try to zap them before i next upload the whole site again! thanking you kindly x
*no drastic changes, yet it still took me forever to work out how to make it all stay in the middle - i wish i was a computer whizzzz

Monday, June 20, 2011
creatures of the night
i've been working on this for a little while now, felt like i couldn't get it quite how i wanted it. you may have seen parts of it here and there. i think it's all done now. what do you think?
special thanks to my cat jelly for allowing me to draw him. he's a good boy. meow
special thanks to my cat jelly for allowing me to draw him. he's a good boy. meow

Sunday, June 19, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
it's live!
a couple of days ago i made a little journey up to birmingham to see the grand unveiling of the pointe blank exhibition ... i realised half way there that i had forgotten my camera, so unfortunately i don't have any shots from the night apart from this quick one luke took on his phone (thanks luke) i managed to refrain from sticking my leg up on the bar and posing like a ballerina for the shot
the exhibition was held in one of the birmingham hippodrome dance studios, a very fitting venue i thought. i'd only seen a few little snippets of people's work before the exhibition so i was eagerly awaiting seeing the whole collection together on display ... and ohmygosh it didn't disappoint! i was really impressed by the quality of all the pieces and how unique they all are - despite all being based on the same brief. but you really shouldn't just take my word for it, take a look for yourself. the collection is now available online for your viewing pleasure - keep an eye on the pointe blank blog for photos of the opening night, and also future updates relating to the project (there were talks of the work possibly being shown at different venues this summer)
exciting stuff
i personally would like to say a massive thank you to claire hartley and rob lindsay for inviting me to be part of such a brilliant project, and also a big well done/pat on the back/high five to them for making the exhibition such a big success

Tuesday, June 07, 2011
here are a few little sneaky snippets of my illustration for birmingham royal ballet's pointe blank project ...
i didn't mention before but some of my soupa chums are taking part too! ♥
to see more sneaky peeks of what's to come head on over to the event's face page or blog
to see more sneaky peeks of what's to come head on over to the event's face page or blog
the collection will be unveiled on monday 13th june ... exciteddddd!

Thursday, June 02, 2011
beards & bears
you may have seen in a previous post that i made a bearded lady for the first issue of heart&lungs zine ... well my little drawing made it onto the inside cover ... lovely stuff! this issue features an interview with the rather fab sandra dieckmann, upcoming events and projects to get involved in and lots of other beard and bear related goodness ... have you got your copy yet? if not, there really is no excuse ... you, yes you choose what you want to pay!

pointe blank
see here for full details about the project, info about other artists involved, and little sneaky-peeks of what's to come ...

Sunday, May 22, 2011
i've updated my website a tiny bit - added some new drawings, changed some of the links and that. also messed around with the blog layout a bit ... you may have noticed? maybe not.
so go and take a look around
i heart getting feedback so if you have any comments etc do feel free to shoot them my way. sorry for the short blog posts recently, my time is being taken up with my hollyday - sigh
so go and take a look around
i heart getting feedback so if you have any comments etc do feel free to shoot them my way. sorry for the short blog posts recently, my time is being taken up with my hollyday - sigh

Saturday, May 21, 2011
just so you know you can now follow my blog with bloglovin

Friday, May 20, 2011
i've finally taken a photo (albeit not a great one ...) of my first winning all tropical design ... it's now up for sale through their website and on asos marketplace which is rather exciting!
looking forward to seeing my other design when it's printed ... eak!

Thursday, May 19, 2011
heart & lungs
a saw a little call out for submissions for a new monthly zine called heart and lungs ... you may have seen their little banner i added to my blog recently ⬅ it's the brainchild of Iona Bruce a very clever lady with several projects on the go - see what she's up to at i heart dot dot dot
i didn't end up getting this finished in time for the submission deadline (due to other commissions/holiday activities/changing my idea at the very last second...) but thought i'd post it up on here anyway ... the first issue will be released june 1st, it's sure to be smashing so do take a look
i've seen my work popping up around tumblr recently, which is lovely - and a bit surreal! it's nice to be featured places and blogged about, be sure to let me know if you do so i can thank you - i do appreciate it ♡
i came across this sweet little blog that wrote a little something about me
some of you may know i'm having a kind of semi-holiday at the moment ... in the sense that we're away from home, but not holidaying much as we've bought all our work stuff with us.
i'm staying on the isle of wight for a few weeks with my lovely lukey, we're house sitting (and cat sitting - yay!) for his parents whilst they're on holiday.
don't worry though we've managed to squeeze in some holiday activities here and there ... my list includes : lovely bike rides, seeing my lovely friend's pregnant belly, dipped my toe in the *freezing* sea and accidently found a nudist beach, saw a nudie man on said beach! teheee!
*those of you with beady eyes may have noticed i have changed the bear! i decided i didn't like the first one. i so i redid it. i much prefer this manly bear. grr

Saturday, April 30, 2011
muchas gracias
just wanted to say a humongous thank you to all you beauties who voted/commented/liked/tweeted for my latest merrimaking-inspired design on all tropical ... as i found out i won this weeks competition ... yipppeeeeeeeeee!!

Friday, April 29, 2011
first the worst, second the best ...
i promise this isn't a wedding post ... but wasn't it just lovely! i've had a good few hours away from work to celebrate, my sister held a little royal party, with a strict dress code of red, white or blue ... i made sure i had some suitable attire to join the fun. twas a marvelous day, my mum even got to show off the meringue to the queen ... oh lols
but anyway, as i'm sure you can tell - my latest illo has absolutely nothing to do with the royal wedding! no no, this is one i have been working on for versus. it's a collaborative project of illustrated playing cards, where you design a card based on it's number. as you can see, i chose #3 ... do you get it, do you get ittt? ... will find out soon if it makes the cut, i have a feeling it might be a bit too weird!
last week the ladies from a beautiful blog called leivos kindly asked me to take part in a little interview with them & i was very flattered to be asked. you can see what i said here.
strangely enough, this interview was published the very next day --- even though it's like a year old! ('in to views' blog asked me some questions about a year ago. but then i never heard anything back from them after i sent off my answers) so, you can do a little virtual time traveling by reading it ... oh and don't forget to lol a little bit at the grey/gray. always baffles me when people spell my name wrong even when it's written right there!
in other news ...
any of you bear lovers out there might be interested in seeing this collabortive blog post organised by the very lovely jessica gowling... or grrrowling as i like to call her! it's filled with lots of lovely bear related things, and includes my 'heidi bear' illustration
speaking of which, i donated two a3 prints of 'heidi bear' to be sold in the ganbare nippon shop, to help raise money for the japan tsunami appeal. so much beautiful work for sale there, so do take a look and buy if you can as you'll be helping a really worthy cause.
oh and skipping back to the wedding for a moment, i was asked to do a few portraits of some royal ladies for the latest edition of cellardoor magazine - you cans sees thems heres
oh and and and ... i'm now on pinterest ... because i didn't have enough things to distract me. n o t

so, i've been looking forward to this for a while ... the newest ammo mag is out now! ... and it features one of my little illos - yippee! you can get it here for the teeny tiny price of £4, such a bargain to say it's filled with loads of great work, and look at that cover - so so beautiful! do you need anymore convincing, i think not .. go go go!
*photos courtesy of ammo

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
to celebrate the beautiful weather i've decided to have a little sale in my shop, some items are reduced and you can get an extra 25% off your order with coupon code :

Friday, April 15, 2011
i'm calling upon you for a favour again ... i thought i'd put my merrimaking-inspired* illustration up for judging over at alltropical.co.uk
like before, votes are counted as facebook likes, tweets, palm ratings on the all.tropical website, and comments left on the design - so if you fancy helping me out by doing one or all of those things i'd be eternally grateful.
so go on ... show my design a bit of love. and just think, if it won you could max out the merri-ness by wearing the tee and the hood together! super cool ♥
*see my previous post for my guerilla merrimaking antics x
22/04/11 voting has now closed, thank you!

Thursday, April 14, 2011
... dreaming i will one day own a beautiful arctic fox hood ♥

soupa new site
the soupa website has a brand spanking new look. you really should head over there to see it with your own eyes. it's really very nice.

Monday, April 04, 2011
pre release sale ...
i had a little message from the guys at alltropical.co.uk the other day to say that my t shirts will be ready next week - e x c i t i n g!
as always new designs are available at a lower price for a limited time before general release ... soooo here's your chance to get one for the special price of only £15 until this Wednesday 6th (after this they will be the usual price of £20 ... still not bad but we all like a bargain, don't we)
soooo if you are interested in getting one you just need to email all tropical directly requesting my 'heidi bear' tee for £15 at toucan@alltropical.co.uk
*ps i realise i have posted this image many times on my blog. i'll stop now. promise.
*pps here's a link to the american apparel tee's that my design will be printed on, if you're wondering what size to get have a look at their size guide

Saturday, April 02, 2011
i was struck with inspiration this week when i saw these beautiful painted stones by Natasha Newton (click the links to see her paintings, they are actually A-mazing)
Natasha's stones reminded me of something i have been meaning to make for my mummy ... and timing couldn't be better with mother's day right around the corner! a while ago, my mum had seen what she called a 'chatty rock' in someone's garden and said she wanted one ... so i made her this (pictured above) a bossy little rock that on one side says 'turn me over' and the other says 'ahh, that's better!'
aren't i a nice daughter ey ...

Saturday, March 19, 2011
just wanted to let you all know i'm dontating 50% of all sales in my etsy shop this month to the red cross disaster relief in japan. such awful news, i cannot begin to imagine what turmoil they must be going through. my heart goes out to all those wonderfully brave people.
if you'd like to get involved with sharing love and support to those effected by the horrific events in japan check out illustration rally's ganbare nippon : japan tsunami appeal sumbit/donate/get involved. you will find more links to donation websites there too ♥
in other news, i heard yesterday that my design had won this week's competition over at all tropical, which is beyond ace! so massive thank yous and hi fives to all of you who voted. My design will soon be printed and available to buy in t shirt form to adorn your wonderful torsos.
also incase you missed it the lovely ladies over at ballad of... did a little feature on my work the other day, do have a peek.

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Monday, March 07, 2011
updated wwwebsite
I've updated a few little things on my website, removed some old pieces of work and added some new drawings to my portfolio. Do pop on over and take a look, i'd love to know what you think ...
Also don't forget there is still time to vote for my t shirt design from my previous post, over at all tropical. winners are chosen not just on 'palm rating' but on comments, facebook likes and tweets/retweets so feel free to do any of those wonderful things ... pretty peas ♥

Friday, March 04, 2011
all tropical
i don't usually ask (or beg) for favours, but i'm making a little exception here ... i have made this little drawing into a tshirt design on alltropical.com - if you've not been there before it's a jolly little site where you rate tshirt designs. every friday a winner is picked to have their design printed onto real life tshirts and sold in their online shop, exciting stuff.
it would be smashing if you could pop on over there and rate my design (preferably 5 palms of course) also if you're feeling extra lovely, you could leave a little comment on there too, that would be wonderful. you will have to log in to cast your leafy vote but it only takes two ticks and i'll ♥ you forever. you can also vote by 'liking' my design on facebook or tweeting about it on twitter
t h a n k s s s s s !
11/03/11 voting has now closed

Sunday, February 27, 2011
the end of the pencil
i've had a busy day today taking down my work that has been on show for the last month in shifnal. just wanted to say a massive thank you to all who came to see the exhibition, for all the lovely comments and feedback, and an extra special thank you to those who bought some of our originals and prints - i have spend this afternoon wrapping and packing said works to be delivered to their new owners! exciting ♥
here'e a little glimpse at a new illustration in progress (taken using my blackberry so sorry for the bad picture quality!) as an apology you get to see georgia snoozing in the background. lucky you!

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