Thursday, May 19, 2011

heart & lungs

a saw a little call out for submissions for a new monthly zine called heart and lungs ... you may have seen their little banner i added to my blog recently ⬅ it's the brainchild of Iona Bruce a very clever lady with several projects on the go - see what she's up to at i heart dot dot dot
i didn't end up getting this finished in time for the submission deadline (due to other commissions/holiday activities/changing my idea at the very last second...) but thought i'd post it up on here anyway ... the first issue will be released june 1st, it's sure to be smashing so do take a look

i've seen my work popping up around tumblr recently, which is lovely - and a bit surreal! it's nice to be featured places and blogged about, be sure to let me know if you do so i can thank you - i do appreciate it  ♡
i came across this sweet little blog that wrote a little something about me

some of you may know i'm having a kind of semi-holiday at the moment ... in the sense that we're away from home, but not holidaying much as we've bought all our work stuff with us.
i'm staying on the isle of wight for a few weeks with my lovely lukey, we're house sitting (and cat sitting - yay!) for his parents whilst they're on holiday.
don't worry though we've managed to squeeze in some holiday activities here and there ... my list includes : lovely bike rides, seeing my lovely friend's pregnant belly, dipped my toe in the *freezing* sea and accidently found a nudist beach, saw a nudie man on said beach! teheee!

*those of you with beady eyes may have noticed i have changed the bear! i decided i didn't like the first one. i so i redid it. i much prefer this manly bear. grr

1 comment:

i love getting little messages, so thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. i read every one (and reply when i can) ♥
feel free to share links to your site or other things you think i'll like ...
have a nice day