Wednesday, April 25, 2012

tuesday's treasures

i've decided to start a new little feature on my blog, where every tuesday i'll post a treasury of a few of my favourite things on etsy
so here's my first ... not a great start to say that it's now 00.07am wednesday morning ha! better late than never, as they say

can you tell where i've been daydreaming about today? one day i *will* live there!

if you'd like to add me to your circle on etsy here's a link to my shop :) 


  1. Nice one! I want to start making them more regularly too, and maybe copy you and do a weekly feature ;)


i love getting little messages, so thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. i read every one (and reply when i can) ♥
feel free to share links to your site or other things you think i'll like ...
have a nice day