Tuesday, August 30, 2011
soupa one day zine : reveal
also, did you see? the results of the soupa meet to create a zine in one day : to read more about who was involved, how we made it and to see photos of the event head over to soupa.co.uk

i have been keeping my fingers busy making some envelopes ready for sending out my promo pieces, and possibly for smaller etsy orders
they're recycled out of old & not-perfect prints (thought i'd make use of them) nice to get something a bit more interesting through the door!
following advice from my previous post i have listed a brand new item in my shop : this perpetual calendar / birthday book
to test the market i will make the book to order at the moment, this may change depending on how popular it is.
don't forget as a thank you to all who entered my giveaway, you can get a huge 25% off your order until the end of august with discount code : NOTAWINNER
they're recycled out of old & not-perfect prints (thought i'd make use of them) nice to get something a bit more interesting through the door!
following advice from my previous post i have listed a brand new item in my shop : this perpetual calendar / birthday book
to test the market i will make the book to order at the moment, this may change depending on how popular it is.
don't forget as a thank you to all who entered my giveaway, you can get a huge 25% off your order until the end of august with discount code : NOTAWINNER

Thursday, August 25, 2011
remember not to forget
you may have seen me tweet a photo of something in the making for my mummy's birthday present. well it's all finished now; printed, rounded, ordered and bound up to make a pretty little birthday book.
it's a kind of perpetual calendar, to be used as a way of remembering special dates, birthdays, anniversaries and such. each month is a different colour to the next, allowing for easier flicking! it's a6 in size, has lovely rounded corners and is printed on nice thick paper stock (the whole book is about 1.5cm thick)
i am wondering whether to make some more of these to sell in my etsy shop, probably for around £15 but i'm never good at judging the market, so thought i'd call upon you all for advice!

and the winner is ...
i would just like to say a humungous thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway! i really had no ideaso many people would enter, you've made me very happy :)
because of this i have decided to pick three winners! hooray!
i felt bad picking out the names so i made luke do it (so if you're sad you didn't win you can blame him haha!)
aaaand the winners are ... eve bentley kellee rich & sumi
congratulations! have a browse through my esty shop and let me know what you'd like as your prize
as a consolation to all of you who didn't win, you can use discount code : notawinner to get a huuuge 25% off anything in my shop until the end of august

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
wolf bones
did you hear ? 'i heart ...' has changed their name. that's right ... but what to? i hear you cry ... umm ok you've probably guessed that by now
the creative crafters who bring you community workshops, collaborative and charitable projects (like post a patch) a beautiful online eco shop, and of course the makers of the lovely heart and lungs zine now answer to the name : wolf bones
and these are some logos i came up with for them ... i do hope you like them.
the creative crafters who bring you community workshops, collaborative and charitable projects (like post a patch) a beautiful online eco shop, and of course the makers of the lovely heart and lungs zine now answer to the name : wolf bones
and these are some logos i came up with for them ... i do hope you like them.

Monday, August 22, 2011
soupa zine day
i've been in london the last few days. i was whisked off for a long weekend away as a birthday surprise, i felt very spoilt indeed!
it just so happened to coincide perfectly with the soupa zine day (a day dedicated to working together on a collaborative zine for soupa members) ... and what a super fun day it was! we met at the book club and had a lovely day of drawing, meeting new faces, catching up with old friends, and some more drawing. looking forward to seeing the zine all finished (photos courtesy of jo, see more here)
also, thank you to everyone so far who has entered my little giveaway! (and thank you for all the sweet birthday wishes) ♡ you still have a couple of days to enter, so if you haven't entered yet whatareyouwaitingfor? i will pick the winner on 25th August

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
giveaway time!
*the prize*
you can choose! - pick something out from my etsy shop or choose a print of one of my illustrations (which i am yet to list in my shop!) ... and i'll also throw in some extras too like postcards, stickers, lalala
*to enter*
just do the following two things :
- follow me - either on this blog, or on twitter
- leave a comment on this post - in your comment it would be helpful if you could you give me a way of contacting you (your email/blog name/@twitter name etc)
extra entry if you tweet : fingers crossed i win @harrietgray's giveaway http://harrietgray.blogspot.com/2011/08/giveaway-time.html
it's open to everyone and their cat (extra points for cats ... no not really) but seriously now, where ever you live is fine by me, i'll post your prize worldwide.
last day to enter will be august 24th, all entrants will be put into a hat (or something similar, as i don't actually have a hat) and one lucky fellow will be chosen at random
exciting stuff ...

it's a moo point
i treated myself to a bunch of new postcards, i'm going to round of the corners of these before sending them out. and i also thought i'd try out their new stickers and labels
unfortunately with bad luck coming in 3's and all that : 1.imac breaking 2.being rediculously ill the day i got back from holiday; number 3 was for my moo order to get lost in the post! sad face
thankfully moo are very nice and reprinted my order for me and i think it all looks fab, i hope you like it too!
i also have this 'refer a friend' link where new moo customers can get 10% off their first order, which is nice
anywayyy extra cool points to those who get the friends reference in the title, lols
a cow's opinion *ehem*

Thursday, August 11, 2011
hello again, just to warn you i am going to pester you a teeny tiny bit for the next 7 days as i have uploaded a new design onto alltropical.co.uk and it needs your votes to win!
it would be super if you could head on over there to vote and comment on my design. you can also vote by tweeting and liking on faceyb
pretty peas with a cherry on top! ♡
ps.. you can use the little apps to the right of the image on the voting page to share the link on twitter/facebook/blogger/email etc etc without having to sign up to alltropical x
it would be super if you could head on over there to vote and comment on my design. you can also vote by tweeting and liking on faceyb
pretty peas with a cherry on top! ♡
ps.. you can use the little apps to the right of the image on the voting page to share the link on twitter/facebook/blogger/email etc etc without having to sign up to alltropical x

apologies for the radio silence that has fallen upon my blog recently, if you follow me on twitter you may have seen that towards the end of july my imac hard drive decided to die (very inconsiderate of it!) which meant i had to have it sent away for repair for a little while.
unfortunately the only solution was to have it replaced, which obviously resulted in me losing all of my data ... and since i hadn't backed anything up for about a month prior to this, i lost a fair bit. very sad.
all of this has made me very thankful that i do the majority of my work by hand. so all my illustrations that weren't saved can be re-scanned and re-edited, so i'm trying to look at the bright side as it could have been worse (now i just need to find the time to do all of this re-doing...)
so on that note i'm afraid i don't have that much to show you at the moment, above is a sneak peek of one of my recent illos that i did whilst i was sans imac ... but that's all you're getting for the time being
unfortunately the only solution was to have it replaced, which obviously resulted in me losing all of my data ... and since i hadn't backed anything up for about a month prior to this, i lost a fair bit. very sad.
all of this has made me very thankful that i do the majority of my work by hand. so all my illustrations that weren't saved can be re-scanned and re-edited, so i'm trying to look at the bright side as it could have been worse (now i just need to find the time to do all of this re-doing...)
so on that note i'm afraid i don't have that much to show you at the moment, above is a sneak peek of one of my recent illos that i did whilst i was sans imac ... but that's all you're getting for the time being

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