has january gone already? ... well nearly! so those of you with your heads screwed on will realise that my exhibition goes up tomorrow, yes, TOMORROW! eak! anyway, luke and i will be there from around 12 putting the work up, making any final adjustments, and generally just being frantically stressed. tis all very exciting really.
so this post is just a little reminder to you all that the opening night for my little exhibition is wednesday 2nd Feb it's from 7pm and you are more than welcome to pop along! bring some friends, enjoy some drinks, nibbles and pretty pictures.
did you notice the little sneak preview above ooooOOoo
venue's address: Wheatsheaf Inn, Broadway, Shifnal, Shropshire, tf11 8BB
incase you missed it there is a little interview with me over at the young creative's blog, you can read that here if you so wish.
also, had some exciting news from the very lovely jo at SOUPA about doing some illustrationey things as part of London yarn fest in feb, more news to come soon about that!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 07, 2011
the pencil
well well well it's all come round very sudden, less than a month to go til my exhibition! The Pencil will be held at the Wheatsheaf's exhibition space 'arty bars' in shifnal, shropshire and will run for the whole of february. i will be sharing the space with the rather marvelous luke waller, who will be presenting his response to our trip to china in 2009 for the yangste river spring arts festival. i shall be showing a selection of brand spanking new work based loosely around the theme of 'beauty and beast'. exciting stuff.
also luke got his shiney new dslr camera the other day and this was one of the first shots he took, a very little sneak peek of my newest drawing.
don't forget about the sale going on in my etsy shop at the moment, you can use the code HELLO2011 for the whole of january to get an extra 10% off whatever you want.

Sunday, January 02, 2011
goodbye 2010
well i'm a day late with this post but happy new year to you all! to welcome in the new year i am having a huge sale in my shop, most items are reduced aaand as an extra thank you to all you lovelies who have supported me in 2010 by reading my blog, following me on twitter, visiting me at craft fairs and buying from me online, i'm offering you an extra 10% off anything you buy from my etsy shop with coupon code: HELLO2011
speaking of etsy, one of my items has been featured today in a treasury made by the very wonderful Natasha Newton from the black bird sings. how very flattering indeed! you should take a look at Natasha's work, it's rather fab!
i don't often make new years resolutions, if i do they are usually very vague or about something a bit useless. but this time i have decided to make a very detailed list of things i'd like to achieve by the end of 2011, i may share it with you ... depending on how well i get on!!
here's to a new year filled with fun and excitement ♡

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