Friday, June 08, 2012

waste not want not

i'm a sucker for a good before and after.
i hate the thought of throwing something away just because it's not pretty and new. maybe i'm just a hoarder (luke would say there's no 'maybe' about it)

have you seen the amazing design*sponge before and afters? people's ingenuity never ceases to amaze me. now, i'm not saying my attempt here even begins to compare, but it's a start. and after seeing the lovely kellee blog about her ikea hack, (going to have to do this to the next set of drawers i acquire) i thought i'd share my meager attempts at plant pot facelift.

this ugly plastic thing has been sitting on my desk since my mummy repotted my money tree.
instead of buying a new pot, i indulged in a little diy ... all it took was a little sand paper (raided from dad's shed), some snazzy paper (free with some flowers i bought off the market) and good old pva glue


  1. What a lovely DIY! I wish I wasn't so lazy when it came to these things >.<

  2. that's so pretty! you're so creative :) never heard of design*sponge before, i love it! amazing xx

  3. Ah looks cute and totally hip now ;)

    (I have the same plant, yey!)

  4. Anonymous10 June, 2012

    Such a sweet diy, you've made it look more your own. I like the design sponge, some stuff I prefer the originals, like the more tradional stuff I think their a shame to mess with but theres others when they just really work!

  5. This is amazing! It looks a million times better than the boring pot, and it looks so professional!

  6. fantastic! I hope the plant felt good about it - don't they have a funny way of acting like humans?


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